Facebook Unfriends Microsoft Search Engine

12:00 AM Mr. Hasantha Kariyawasam 0 Comments

                                                The social media behemoth may be angling in on Google-dominated web search

Facebook offices in Paris, France in 2010.

I found this info when Im searchup on Time Magazine! Read it 

Facebook has officially dropped from its website search results from Bing, the search engine owned by Microsoft Corp.
The move comes on the heels of Facebook unveiling a new search tool on its own site, allowing the site’s 1.35 billion users to easily search for old Facebook activity on theirs and others’ pages, perhaps indicating an increased emphasis on the lucrative web search market currently dominated by Facebook rival Google.
Facebook’s decision was confirmed to Reuters on Friday by a company spokesperson. “We’re not currently showing web search results in Facebook Search because we’re focused on heaping people find what’s been shared with them on Facebook,” a spokesperson said. “We continue to have a great partnership with Microsoft in lots of different areas.

Facebook Unfriends Microsoft Search Engine